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  导读:  杨海蒂,《人民文学》副编审,中国作家协会会员,中诗网第二届签约作家。著有文学作品多部,合著电视连续剧两部;作品入选百余种选本、选刊、排行榜、大学生课外辅导书、地方中小学教材;作品被译介国外;获过第五届“西王母杯.海峡两岸散文诗歌征文一等奖”、 “中山杯.世界华文诗歌大赛奖”铜奖 等多种奖项。



  杨海蒂,《人民文学》副编审,中国作家协会会员,中诗网第二届签约作家。著有文学作品多部,合著电视连续剧两部;作品入选百余种选本、选刊、排行榜、大学生课外辅导书、地方中小学教材;作品被译介国外;获过第五届“西王母杯.海峡两岸散文诗歌征文一等奖”、 “中山杯.世界华文诗歌大赛奖”铜奖 等多种奖项。

著有文学、影视作品多部。作品入选百余种选本、选刊、年鉴、排行榜、教材教辅读本,并被应用于高考和中考试题。获丰子恺散文奖、丝路散文奖、孙犁文学奖、北京文学奖等。现为《人民文学》编审,兼任三毛散文奖、方志敏文学奖、丁玲文学奖散文奖审读委主任,担任《羊城晚报》“花地”2020散文排行榜、“大鹏杯”全国生态文学奖、丁玲文学奖散文奖、江西省文学艺术奖暨理论成果奖评委,系“观音山杯”当代文学高峰论坛秘书长。 She has written and published many works of literature, including films and televisions. Her works have been selected into more than one hundred kinds of anthologies, selected journals, yearbooks, ranking lists, teaching materials and auxiliary reading books, and were used in past university entrance examinations and middle school entrance examinations. She is the winner of Feng Zi-kai Prose Award, Silk Road Prose award, Sun Li literature Award, and Beijing literature Award, etc. Currently, she is the copy editor of People’s Literature and the Director of the Review Committees for San-mao Prose Award, Fang Zhi-min Literature Award and Ding Ling literature Award, as well as a judge for “Huadi” 2020 prose ranking list of “Yangcheng Evening News”, “Dapeng Cup” National Ecological Literature Award, Ding Ling Literature Award, Jiangxi Literature and Art Award and Theoretical Achievement Award. She is also the Secretary General of “Guanyinshan Cup” Contemporary Literature Summit Forum.
责任编辑: 周楠