寄 语 天 涯 客,
轻 寒 底 用 愁。
春 风 来 不 远,
只 在 屋 东 头。
In Very Cold New Year’s Eve in Taiyuan
By YU Qian (Ming Dynasty)
Translated by DUAN Bingzhi
I want to send a message to that friend beyond horizon
Don’t worry about such a slight chilly sensation
The spring breeze is not far away
Whose footsteps are getting closer to my quarters' east gate
暮 景 斜 芳 殿,年 华 丽 绮 宫。
寒 辞 去 冬 雪,暖 带 入 春 风。
阶 馥 舒 梅 素,盘 花 卷 烛 红。
共 欢 新 故 岁,迎 送 一 宵 中。
By LI Shimin (Tang Dynasty)
Translated by HUANG Jinzhu
Evening scenes slanting across the gorgeous hall,
Time and tide glamorize the exquisite palace all;
Winter snow’s passing, also thaws the chill,
Spring breeze’s arriving, warmness bring will;
The altar suffusing aroma of the winter sweet,
Offerings shined by red candles look neat;
All people celebrate the turn of old and new year,
Greeting and Seeing-off one night with good cheer;
旅 馆 寒 灯 独 不 眠,
客 心 何 事 转 凄 然?
故 乡 今 夜 思 千 里,
霜 鬓 明 朝 又 一 年。
Composed on New Year’s Eve
By Gao Shi (Tang Dynasty)
Translated by ZHANG Zhizhong
In a lonely hotel a cold candle
is sleepless; why the traveler’s
heart is seized by sorrow?
Tonight my hometown is missing
me thousands of miles away:
frost-templed; tomorrow,
another new year.
散体英译如下:In a lonely hotel a cold candle is sleepless; why the traveler’s heart is seized by sorrow? Tonight my hometown is missing me thousands of miles away: frost-templed; tomorrow, another new year.
英译中,将“不眠”一词,“转嫁”于蜡烛,具修辞效果。“故乡今夜思千里”的英译,不说家乡人思念我,却说家乡思念我,乃是同一手法。“客心”之“客”,中国古代诗词中常见,含浪迹天涯漂泊无助之意。有译者用guest, 字面准确而其意流变,差矣;用traveler对之,亦是差强人意。
散体英译断行成自由诗之后,首行中的cold与candle,第三行中的seized和sorrow,具头韵效果;第六行的frost-templed; tomorrow,将“霜鬓”与“明朝”并置,凸显了人生之沧桑与时间之流逝,恰吻合诗人无奈之叹。
一 年 滴 尽 莲 花 漏。
碧 井 酴 酥 沉 冻 酒。
晓 寒 料 峭 上 欺 人,
春 态 苗 条 先 到 柳。
佳 人 重 劝 千 长 寿。
柏 叶 椒 花 芬 翠 袖。
醉 乡 深 处 少 相 知,
只 与 东 君 偏 故 旧。
Tune: Spring in Jade Pavilion· New Year’s Day of 16th Year of the Sexagenary Cycle
By MAO Pang (Song Dynasty)
Translated by WEI Hongxia
Water clock of lotus shape sends away old year.
Tusu liquor on down-hole hanger to warm sheer.
In the morning chill immerses men, causing fear,
Willow twigs of slender figure shows spring comes near.
Cypress leaves, pepper blooms, make green sleeves sweet clear.
Beauties urge me to drink to liven the atmosphere.
With few bosom friends I take to the bottle, so drear,
The Chinese Apollo, God of spring is my friend dear.
器 乏 雕 梁 器,
材 非 构 厦 材。
但 将 千 岁 叶,
常 奉 万 年 杯。
Spring Festival Poem Extoling Qiansui’s Granting Cypress Leaves to Officials
(Composing by obeying the order)
By Zhao Yan-zhao (Tang Dynasty)
Translated by YANG Xiu-bo
Not for is the instrument a main beam,
And the wood is not for a big building.
I only wish granted by Qiansui the cypress leaves,
The teacup for many, many a year constantly serves.
Note: Qiansui refers to king’s uncle,brother or son.
(唐) 刘禹锡
王昌玲 英译
弥 年 不 得 意,新 岁 又 如 何?
念 昔 同 游 者,而 今 有 几 个?
以 闲 为 自 在,将 寿 补 蹉 跎。
春 色 无 情 故,幽 居 亦 见 过。
Sentiments on Lunar New Year’s Eve
By LIU Yuxi (Tang Dynasty)
Translated by WANG Changling
Over years I’m undervalued wrong.
What good shall the New Year bring along?
Of all co-officials like-minded,
How many live in grace, unburied?
I’d see my seclusion as freedom,
And a long life as compensation.
Spring splendor knows no worldly wisdom,
Still honors me in isolation.
考虑到诗歌所写的时代背景以及诗人的仕途遭遇,译诗进行了明晰化处理,诸如以 “undervalued wrong” 译 “不得意”;以 “co-officials like-minded” 译 “同游者”;以 “How many live in grace, unburied” 译 “而今有几个”。明晰化使得诗歌隐含的讽刺效果增强。透过消极颓废的字面就会看出,诗人怀念志同道合的老友、抒发怀才不遇的激愤、控诉政治黑暗。至真至诚之真情流露,同时也表达对政治清明 “无情故” 世间的向往。译诗不用倒装,尽量追随原诗自然的反诘语气。
今 岁 今 宵 尽,明 年 明 日 催。
寒 随 一 夜 去,春 逐 五 更 来。
气 色 空 中 改,容 颜 暗 里 回。
风 光 人 不 觉,已 著 后 园 梅。
On New Year’s Eve
By SHI Qing (Tang Dynasty)
Translated by DING Liqun
Tonight marks the end of this year,
Tomorrow beginning of the new.
The cold gone with the passing night,
After the dawn Spring is in view.
Quietly its beauty comes back,
As in the air changes the hue.
Before we notice the scenery,
Backyard plums have flower’d a few.
不 求 见 面 惟 通 谒,
名 纸 朝 来 满 敝 庐。
我 亦 随 人 投 数 纸,
世 情 嫌 简 不 嫌 虚。
New Year’s Greeting Routine
By WEN Zhengming (Ming Dynasty)
Translated by WU Weixiong
New Year’s regard may need only CARD-greeting not meeting;
My house has been filled with expensive cards since morning.
I also follow the trend to greet friends and relatives, for people
Never think it empty courtesy, only despising routine omitting.
古语今译:诗中的“谒”和“名纸”是当今贺年卡的起源,制作方式不同而已。英译汉诗,对象为英语受众,故应将其译为译语受众欣赏习惯的greeting card,直接把原诗的信息传真出去,而不必做考古式的注释一番、有煞诗意。
译语调整:原诗四句,第二、三、四句,语句结构完整。唯独第一句“不求见面惟通谒”似无主语。然而,其逻辑主语是什么呢?从诗篇完整的语境来看,题目“拜年”可为之。故首句可译为:New Year’s regard may need only CARD- greeting not meeting(not承上省略,仍接need意). 事实上,古今拜年,不会排除面贺之仪,加上may,可避绝对之弊。原诗四句整齐,而三、四句的信息含量译出后,奇长奇短;译诗译成跨行句,亦可避弊、接近形美。
乡 心 新 岁 切,天 畔 独 潸 然。
老 至 居 人 下,春 归 在 客 先。
岭 猿 同 旦 暮,江 柳 共 风 烟。
已 似 长 沙 傅*,从 今 又 几 年。
* 长沙傅:指汉朝时期的政治、思想家贾谊。曾受谗被贬为长沙王太傅,这里借以自喻。
On New Year’s Day
By Liu Changqing (Tang Dynasty)
Translated by REN Chengang
I feel doubly homesick, when in New Year’s Day,
Standing lonely, my bitter tears weep I may.
I was slandered and demoted when getting old,
Walking ahead of me spring returns in hurry, Lo.
Like the apes in mountains spend the dusk and dawn,
As the willows by river endure the wind and smoke long;
I’ve got the same woe and misery like Jia Yi’s demotion,
When shall I get this redressed for the misfortune?
* It denotes Jia Yi, who was slandered and demoted as an assister of King of Chang Sha. A figurative metonymy is applies to refer to author himself.
刘长卿的这首诗是一首五言律诗,首联说:新年来临作者思乡之心更切,独立天边不禁热泪横流。我译doubly homesick表现这种心“更切”;颔联说到:到了老年被贬居于人下,春归匆匆走在我的前头。我用了slander和demote来译上句,第二句是直译;颈联:山中猿猴和我同度昏晓,江边杨柳与我共分忧愁。说明了作者此时身处的环境、及忧愁如杨柳丝丝;尾联:我已和长太傅一样遭遇,这样日子须到何时才休?作者把自己的遭遇同汉朝时期的贾谊做了比较,都是同命人。受谗言诽谤、挨整受贬,此典故用得极妙。翻译可以直译来实现。
此诗的英译关键是理解原诗。理解对了,用对词汇,再注意韵脚和音节数。韵脚用的是aabbccdd 随韵对句;以5-6音步抑扬格来译汉诗的五律的五个“顿”,算是接近和可取的。
城 里 夕 阳 城 外 雪,相 将 十 里 异 阴 晴。
也 知 造 物 曾 何 意,底 事 人 心 苦 未 平。
柏 府 楼 台 衔 倒 影,茅 茨 松 竹 泻 寒 声。
布 衾 莫 谩 愁 僵 卧,积 素 还 多 达 曙 明。
Spring Clear
A Poem in the Same Rhyme-Words as New Year’s Day by LU Qianxian
By WANG Shouren (Ming Dynasty)
Translated by ZHANG Qiong
It’s sunny in the city, but snowy outside;
Different sights between ten miles wide!
But who can read the Creator’s mind,
Could it be the suffering he doesn’t find?
The palace reflected in water is dazzling,
The hut in bamboos and pines freezing.
With a quilt, don’t worry at cold night;
The snow is still deep before next twilight.
Tune: Drunk in Peach Grove
New Year’s Day
By WU Wenying (Song Dynasty)
Translated by NI Qinghang
In the stable, steeds are resting silently during the fifth watch of the night.
Even roosters nearby refrain from crowing so as not to cause fright.
The sunlight at daybreak renders spring scenes splendid and bright,
And dusk is so chilly as to generate a cloud of sorrow outright.
In the New Year’s dream, last year’s sentiments abound.
At the end of the night, sobered-up intoxication can almost be found.
The unsteady spring breeze blows plum petals gently to the ground,
A solitary wild goose flies over farewell pavilions far and nigh around.
人 家 除 夕 正 忙 时,
我 自 挑 灯 拣 旧 诗。
莫 笑 书 生 太 迂 阔,
一 年 功 课 是 文 词。
Jottings on New Year’s Eve (No. 3)
By WEN Zhengming (Ming Dynasty)
Translated by WANG Ruli
When others are busy for the New Year’s Eve,
I’m holding a lamp my old poems to retrieve.
Please do not laugh at the scholar’s pedantry;
For a whole year’s work I give credit to poetry.
岁在己亥却选了这首甲寅诗,因为除去天干地支不合,这首诗的内容实在是非常应景。在过去的2018年,我有幸结识了赵彦春老师、李正栓老师、王磊老师、解斌老师和“双语”、 “典籍”、“同题”、“译原”的各位译友,更有“七星译诗社”(Sepoetranstars)的六位星君相互切磋共进,每天读诗译诗,“发愤忘食,乐以忘忧,不知老之将至”。如今小年儿已过,别人都在洒扫厅堂,预备年货,我们却仍在紧锣密鼓、热火朝天地准备“春节特刊”的译诗,正是“人家除夕正忙时,我自挑灯拣旧诗。”值此辞旧迎新之际,谨以拙译与诸位同好共勉,我们可以骄傲地对世人宣称:“莫笑书生太迂阔,一年功课是文词。”
岁 晚 身 何 托,灯 前 客 未 空。
半 生 忧 患 里,一 梦 有 无 中。
发 短 愁 催 白,颜 衰 酒 借 红。
我 歌 君 起 舞,潦 倒 略 相 同。
A Poem To SHAO Zhang When drinking With Him
By CHEN Shidao (Song Dynasty)
Translated by JOHN ZYZ
As the year ends, I'll have nowhere to stay,
Each of guests here before lamp has a post.
I'm in hardship in my half life away,
Just like the loss and gain in a dream most.
The sorrow urges me to grow the white hair,
The gaunt face is reddened just due to wine.
I am singing here and you dancing there,
Your frustrated plight 's a bit same as mine.
To the Tune of Silk-Washing Stream – On the Eve of Year Geng-shen①
By NALAN Xingde (Qing Dynasty)
Translated by LIU Qun
My feelings now seized ere getting intense in th’ cold,
To see the dancers’ dresses as red as time old.
Which family marked candles to await the spring?
Wine cups were drained, head-wares of swallow danced with swing,
Snuffs flickered of golden worms when the lights were quenched.
Such were the merry times with divine favor drenched.
Notes:①Geng-shen, Kōshin in Japanese, is the 57th year in the Chinese sexagenary cycle, a traditional Chinese calendar system. The lunar year eve in the title fell on February 12, 1680, in Gregorian year.
今 夕 为 何 夕,他 乡 说 故 乡。
看 人 儿 女 大,为 客 岁 年 长。
戎 马 无 休 歇,关 山 正 渺 茫。
一 杯 柏 叶 酒,未 敌 泪 千 行。
Staying Foreign Town in New year’s Eve
By Yuan Kai (Ming Dynasty)
Translated by YAO Chunyang
What a lonely day is it today, staying the foreign town I miss my hometown.
Bigger and bigger seeing others’ children turn, longer and longer I stay in foreign town.
The war seems never end at all, Guanshan mountain stops my way back home.
Drinking a glass of good luck wine, I can’t help letting silent tears go.
这首诗是明代诗人袁凯的诗作。写除夕夜旅居异地的乡思客愁。诗篇以对句发端,“今夕为何夕”关合“除夕”,“他乡说故乡”关合“客中”,出语含蓄,暗示客愁;第二联承上联而来,写客居生活的冷清和乡思的绵长。此联叙事中有怀才不遇、壮志难酬的悲愤,有滞留他乡、思归无计的凄寂,也隐含着作者的乡思和回归故里的迫切心情;第三联则点出作者淹留他乡、岁暮不归的原因所在。全诗语言通脱质朴,诗中也没有新奇特别的意象,然却是平实处见真情,是一首以质胜而非以文名的感怀思乡之作。戎马:指军事行动、战乱,所以译为“war”,柏(bǎi)叶酒:用柏叶浸过的酒,也叫“柏酒”。古代风俗,以柏叶后凋耐久,因取其叶浸酒,元旦共饮,以祝长寿,故译为:good luck wine。最后一句“未敌泪千行”,“silent tear”指诗人默默流泪,“let go”指眼泪止不住夺眶而出,译出了诗人内心无尽的惆怅,译文全诗皆为七字,对仗工整为形美。原诗基数行不押韵,偶数行押;译诗同之偶数句呈aabb韵式,使全文充满韵美。