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回南湖渠的路 The Way back to Nanhuqu

  导读: 这是北京的盲肠 It is Beijing’s appendices 几许车辆犹如米粒 Where there are some vehicles like grAIns of rice  在伟大的城市改造 That fell in during the great  运动中掉了进来 Reconstructio

 这是北京的盲肠    It is Beijing’s appendices

 几许车辆犹如米粒  Where there are some vehicles like grains of rice

 在伟大的城市改造  That fell in during the great

 运动中掉了进来    Reconstruction of the city


 外地民工开办的小吃店The snatch inn run by peasant-workers from other places

 在路口首当其冲       Is standing at the crossing and bearing the brunt of

 警车的呼啸和警察的恫吓The police wagon’s howl and the police’s huff

 将它转瞬间夷为平地     That will instantly raze it to the ground


 汽车尾气牵着行人的鼻子   The tail gas given out by cars is pulling the passersby’ noses

 往他们的七窍里猛灌灰尘   And cruelly pouring dust into all the holes of their bodies

 饭馆张大着饥饿的嘴巴     The restaurant is opening its hungry mouth

 肮脏的饭碗像许久没有刷过的牙齿While the dirty bowls are like teeth that have not been brushed for a long time


 发廊蓄起长发             The hairdresser’s has stored up long hair

 照相馆严重曝光           The photo studio has a serious exposal

 服装店全身裸露            While the toggery has nothing on

 百货商场空无一物          And the grocery has nothing inside


 水果摊上叫卖的桃子正在腐烂  The hawking peaches at the fruit stalls are being rotten

 熟食店里的售货员还没有成熟  While the saleswomen in the delicatessen has not yet grown up

 老住户纷纷外迁              The old residents are successively moving out

 新住户还没有入住的打算       While the new ones has not yet decide to move in


 草坪像产妇一样平躺着        The meadow is lying low like a lying-in woman

 与伤疤似的工棚对峙          And confronting the scar-like work shed

 等待种子雨点般洒落           It is waiting for seeds splashing like raindrops

 等待推土机前来强暴           It is waiting for bulldozer to come to do violence


 这是一条需要大修的小路       It is a small road, yet it greatly needs repairing

 太多的坑洼需要填平           Too many potholes need to be filled and leveled up

 太多的垃圾需要清除           Too much garbage needs to be cleared away

 太长的行程需要路灯来鼓舞      It is too long a journey needing the encourage of street lamps

责任编辑: 周占林