曹谁 | 中诗网 | 2018-06-14 | 阅读:
导读:曹谁中文、英文、西班牙文对照诗集《通天塔之歌》,由类型出版社出版,其中精选了曹谁的代表作,诗作分别由美国汉学家韩任德(Brendan Higginbottom)和智利诗人艾多(Roberto Aedo)翻译。

曹谁中文、英文、西班牙文对照诗集《通天塔之歌》,由类型出版社出版,其中精选了曹谁的代表作,诗作分别由美国汉学家韩任德(Brendan Higginbottom)和智利诗人艾多(Roberto Aedo)翻译。人类原本说着共同的语言,他们准备建立一座通天塔,上帝知道后变乱了他们的语言,于是人们就说着不同的语言,无法畅通交谈。曹谁的这些诗作希望重建通天塔,让人类可以自由交流。书中还有一辑“《大悲舞》的十三种发声”,由世界各国诗人翻译的十三种语言的《大悲舞》组成,这也是曹谁重建通天塔的象征。The Lyric of the Babel is published in Chinese, English and Spanish, written by Chinese poet Shawn Cao, translated by American sinologist Brendan Higginbottom and Chilean poet Roberto Aedo. Originally people speaks a single language and they agree to build a tower tall enough to reach heaven named Tower of Babel. God, observing their tower, confounds their speech so that they can no longer understand each other, and scatters them aroun d the world. Shawn Cao wants to rebuild the Tower of Babel in his book, a collection of five poems in Chinese, English and Spanish, plus thirteen versions of 'Grand Dance of Sorrow' translated into thirteen different languages by thirteen different international poets. It is a symbol of Shawn Cao’s effort to rebuild the Tower of Babel in literature.

In his poems Cao Shui creates original and absurd situations with a particular visual-writing or surrealistic sensibility. His poems are like modern paintings that show us strange creatures and illogical scenes. Dream and reality, ancient and contemporary, comic and tragic magically melt together to express the unconscious and give shape to pure imagination. They remind me some masterpieces by Salvador Dali. Cao Shui is an unconventional poet and writer and his ideas bring a new fresh wind to the Chinese contemporary literature.( Fiori Picco )
——意大利作家菲奥瑞·派克(雪莲)( Fiori Picco )

ShawnCao's book is one of a kind. A kaleidoscopic poem reproduced as in a game of mirrors in many languages that in turn symbolize the Tower of Babel, hence the title of the book, 'The lyric of Babel'. The poem displays skillfully the story of a man standing in the middle of a land signifying both ground and mankind. Modern and classical at the same time, these verses are a plea for humanity and brotherhood, much needed wordsin our times, as they have been in all times. (Francoise Roy)
——加拿大作家弗朗索瓦斯·罗伊(Francoise Roy)
The word is the power itself, it can change the human mind, feelings and behaviours.. And the silence between the words in the lines have the secret power of Universe. This means poetry has the power to change the world, it’s a chance for us to make World Peace. Shawn Cao takes this responsibility with his book if you look at the book’s name. And this book published in three different languages, and including the translations in many other languages, is a proof for trying to make world peace. And the poem Great Sorrow (translated in 13 different languages in the book) show the poet’s poetic idea clearly to us. (Nurduran Duman)
——土耳其作家纽都然·杜门(Nurduran Duman)

“The Great Dance of Sorrow” appears as the most dominant poem in Shawn Cao’s most recent collection of poetry ”The Lyric of Babel”, published May 2018. You may find yourself wailing at thePamir plateau – and wondering why? “Grave liquer”, “Ode of Homeland” and “Crown Hidden Deep Within” are other mind-blowing poems leading the reader to murky spots with cold snakes without teeth. Dig it!(Frode Olsen)
——丹麦作家福劳德·欧尔森(Frode Olsen)
In the West, the Tower of Babel has always symbolized the confusion and the in-communication as a result of human ambition, of our hybris to believe that we can reach the Heavens as a result of our egoistic and narcissistic desires.
But, from the East, now we have Cao Shui's re-interpretation of the symbol: Tower of Babel as a poetic space in which we can come back to the One primordial language, as an image of the return to the Unity that synthesizes and overcomes our traditional dichotomous vision of the world: East and West, Good and Evil, Tradition and Innovation/Modernity, etc.
In his new book, of only five poems, Cao Shui tries to respond to the (post, ultra or whatever you want to call it) modern world, its contemporary chaos and confusion of 'the ten thousand things', by the poetic word: his 'epic' effort it is more a lyrical one, but in the bigger stage, in the 'central stage' of Eurasia -another of his representations of the World-, in a chorus of different voices -13 for the central.poem of the volume-, as different modulations of the same: his poetic word, as a metaphor or (re)presentation of the mythological original language, a song of World Human Unity in a world of human differences and struggles.
在西方通天塔一般象征文化的混乱和不可交流,这是人类自以为可以抵达天堂的狂妄自大的野心造成的,也是人类自我中心和自我崇拜的欲望造成的。但是对于东方,我们看到曹谁在《通天塔之歌》中对通天塔新的阐释:通天塔作为一个诗性空间,在其中我们能够返回到一种原初的语言,这本书展示了这样一种图景,回归到一种共同体,综合和超越了我们传统支离破碎视野的世界:东方和西方,正义和邪恶,传统和现代,等等。在新书中,曹谁试图去面对所谓后现代或者超现代世界,它的当代的混乱和嘈杂,或者如他用诗的语言所说的“一万件事”。他创作史诗的努力,是超越抒情诗的,当然在更大的舞台上,在亚欧大陆的中心——这是他创造的一个超越的世界,在他多种语言的不同声音的大合唱中——十三种中心诗歌的音调,在多种不同声调中表达同样的意义:他的诗性世界,这是隐喻或者再现《圣经》神话中的原初的语言,所以这是一首对于充满差异和斗争的世界人类共同体的颂歌。(Roberto Aedo)